Friday, January 9, 2009

Home Security - Better Safe Than Sorry (part 2 of 2)

5 Quick & Easy Crime Deterrents

When Your Home:

Neighborhood Watch - These meeting can be a valuable method for sharing information and spreading the word or recurring incidents. Members are also likely to be much more aware of warning signs that can prevent crimes. It's also a good way to meet your neighbors.

Security Systems - Home monitoring devices can help alert authorities of break-ins and allow response teams to be dispatched quickly. If you cannot afford a security system, placing a security company's sign in your yard is an effective and economical approach.

Dogs - Canines remain one of the most effective ways to prevent crime. Even smaller dogs can be great ways to scare off criminals by barking and laerting you of trouble. If you don't have a dog, simply posting a warning sign or leaving a dog bowl at your doorstep can work.

Exterior Lighting - Bright lighting outside the entraces will prevent most criminals from attempting to enter your home. Motion sensors along your side yards will startle any trespassers and will also alert you by grabbing your attention.

Panic Button - If your car has a car alarm, keep your keys handy. Triggering your car's panic button is a great way to frighten off someone who is lurking on your property or attempting a break-in.

When You're Away:

Short Term

- Leave a radio or TV on

- Have a neighbor park in your driveway

- Give a key to a trusted neighbor or relative and refrain from leaving it under the mat

- Leave lights on for the evening

- Make sure the stove, range top and irons are off

- Have neighbors pick up your mail and newspaper

Long Term

- Use timers on lights, TV's and stereos at random times

- Hire house-sitters to watch your home

- Ask neighbors to remove flyers and packages

- Turn your phone's ringer to low so a burglar will not be alerted of your absence

- Arrange for yard care

- Stop incoming mail and newspaper

I hope you find this useful. Always be conscious of your surroundings and a little extra time preventing a burglary can save you a whole lot of time and heart-ache in the long run!

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