Friday, January 9, 2009

Home Insurance... Are you Covered?

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Everyone can benefit from doing a home inventory. Whether you're an apartment renter, a high-rise condo owner, or a home dweller, everyone is subject to theft, fire, or natural disaster. No matter how great your memory might be, trying to remember everything you own after it's all gone is a monumental task. Getting started is the hardest part. Use these tips to make the most of your efforts.

Everything Counts
Include any item of value, not just large appliances and electronics. Don't forget to document toys, the contents of your closets and anything in your kitchen cabinets.

Get Organized
Taking the time to record serial numbers, collect receipts and take photographs now can save you a lot of time later. Insurance claims are processed more quickly and are more likely to receive full compensation when they are supported with visual evidence of ownership.

Schedule a Photo Shoot
In addition to making a list of items, take pictures of rooms and large important items. On the back of each photo, make a note of what is shown, its value, make and any serial numbers or special identifiers.

Round Up the Troops
Enlist the help of the entire family. Assign a room to each family member, or use a camcorder and have each person take turns describing items for the camera.

Move It!
Conduct a home inventory when you move. As you pack your items from each room, take photographs and note the serial numbers. This way, you'll also have detailed information in the case that something is lost or damaged during the move.

Keep Duplicates
Make a copy of your inventory to keep in a fire proof safe at home, but most importantly, keep another copy in a safe-deposit box, at your office, or any safe location away from home.

Consider Extra Coverage
If you have special items such as expensive jewelry, fine art or rare antique collections, you may wish to purchase extra coverage called an endorsement to protect those items.

Also, a variety of personal finance software packages now include home inventory features, and a number of free or inexpensive programs are available for download. Just make sure that you burn a copy of the file to CD for off-site storage. A couple of available programs are:
Everything I own -
Home Manager - (free trial)

Get Started Today!

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