Friday, January 9, 2009

Going Green... green techniques to use at the office.

A recent article in Real Estate Magazine reported how more and more companies are finding ways to help the environment. Almost 60% of the top decision makers in America's leading corporations are seeing value in sustainability concepts, with that number expected increase dramatically to 88% in just 3 years. If you haven't gone "green" at your business, maybe its time to find out how you can.

1. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, and Buy Recycled - by placing a blue bin by the copy machine, it'll be easy for employees to recycle paper. Another way you can save on paper is by reusing it by copying on both sides. To start off on the right foot you should buy recycled paper as well.

2. Turn Off Your Computer - According to the Wall Street Journal, " A recent report estimated that American businesses could save $1.72 billion each year merely by getting more employees to shut off their computers at night or allow the machines to enter an energy-saving mode.

3. Install Organic Carpet - Many synthetic carpets are made with chemicals such as volatile organic compunds (VOC's), which are emmitted into your office air; whereas organic fibers are grown without synthetic chemicals. When choosing a carpet, determine what the top and back of the carpet are mad of; many industrial carpets are now made with recycled materials.

4. Donate Food Leftovers - With many offices holding numerous office meetings/conferences, Association meetings, and Broker's and Public Open Houses, instead of throwing away the leftovers, donate any food to your local shelter in addition to other donations.

5. Use RELAY - Relay is an internet based tool ( that, in simple terms, allows both the agent and client to do a transaction online, thus alleviating the need for paper. The savings on paper are extraordinary and the need for locating storage for paper files is diminished. Digital storage is a money, storage saver, and reliability saver.

6. Recycle Ink Cartridges - Ask your office supplier if they accept recycled ink cartridges: most do and will give you credit toward your office supply order.

7. Replace Standard Light Bulbs - ENERGY STAR-qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (CKL's) use about 75% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.

8. Open the Blinds - If you're in an office, most likely you have a lot of natural light streaming in through the window. Turn off the lights in your office, and open the blinds.

9. Install Motion Sensor Lights - Installing motion sensor light switches and timers reduces energy by automatically shutting off when offices are not in use.
10. Install Energy-efficient Windows - Energy-efficient windows are designed to protect the inside environment from the outside by using special glass and framing. You'll feel the benefits in your power bill.

11. Buy ENERGY STAR Office Equipment - According to ENERGY STAR, its qualified office and imaging products use 30%-75% less electricity than standard equipment. These include copiers, fax machines, and printers.

12. Recycle Company Cell Phones - Many companies give out new cell phones every time the latest model is released. Check with your office manager to see if they plan to recycle the old cell phones. If not, find out how you can.

13. Get E-Savy - Create an online e-newsletter and do interoffice memos through e-mail, eliminating the use of paper. With newsletters you can also hyperlink to Web sites. The use or RELAY conserves paper and incorporating the use of tablet PCs with dashboard software enables them to convert documents electronically and obtain signatures directly on the tablet PC itself.

14. Use Natural Resources for Energy - Both solar panels and wind turbines use nature to create the energy needed for electricity. Yes, it can be done.

15. Install Low-Flow Toilets in the Company Bathroom - low flow toilets use 20% less water than standard toilets.

16. Replace Old Computers - Dell now makes a computer that releases less toxins and energy. Its OptiPlex Energy Smart computer meets ENERGY STAR standards.

17. Recycle Cans and Bottles - by recycling nearly seven billion beverage containers from January to June 2007, Californians saved the equivalent of 2.5 million barrels of oil.

18. Use Your Notepad Wisely - It's easy to write one thing on a notepad, toss it, and then use another piece of paper for a seperate thought. Use the entire page, then turn it over and use that side too.

19. Watch What You Print - Don't just hit the print button when printing out documents. You might print out more pages than you need. Take the time to scan a document before printing to avoid wasting paper. Some office include at the end of eah email: "Please consider the environment before printing this email."

20. Do It Yourself - If your office doesn't recycle? Then lead the way. Take advantage of what's already in your community and then put it to work for yourself.

If you haven't gone "green" yet... there's no time like the present. Try incorparting one of these tips into your daily routine. Once it becomes a habit incorporate the next and before you know it you'll be able to consider yourself "Eco-friendly".

I personally recycle, buy organic, use energy efficient products, but learned a great deal of other techniques to implement. I will be including the tag line mentioned on Tip 19 today, "consider the environment before printing this email". If you have any other suggestions please email me and I will gladly pass along to my entire office (over 100 agents + staff).

Every little bit helps and I know I am committed to becoming a more Eco-friendly person and broker. Every single person can make an impact on the environment and their immediate surroundings. Please share this bit of knowledge with anyone you know to help conserve our most valluable asset... Mother Earth.

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