Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Put the Phone Down!!!

July 1st, 2008 marks the enforcement of new legislation http://tinyurl.com/26wq3a where California drivers are not allowed to use handheld cell phones while driving. If you're caught talking on the phone while driving, drivers will face fines of anywhere from $20 for your first offense to $50 for subsequent offenses.

In my opinion this law is a starting point. Although the actual talking on the phone doesn't create as much of a distraction as dialing or texting does, its better than nothing. If we all can trace back to our first driving lessons where we were taught that both hands need to be on the wheel and eyes on the road at all times... imagine that. I can only speak for myself when admitting that I've done things such as reviewing paper work and re-applying make-up to texting and rummaging through my ipod to find a song. In our busy-busy society, we've learned to fill every waking minute with tasks, errands, follow up calls, etc. But at what expense?

For Published State Statistics Regarding Cell Phone Involvement in Crashes visit the National Conference of State legislature at: http://www.ncsl.org/programs/transportation/cellphoneupdate1203

Although cell phone usage accounts for only 1% of crashes, imagine if your son or father was in that 1%. How impactful would that 1% be to you then? If this new law can save one life it would have served its purpose in my opinion.

If we see a measurable decrease in the amount of fatalities in the next couple months/years, the next step should be to enforce a no texting and dialing while driving law. The amount of attention the law is getting has definitely made me more conscious of what I do while driving. Although I can't say I'll never be distracted by playing with my ipod or texting ever again, it has already lessened the amount that I do and has limited the calls I make while driving.

As long as unnecessary deaths are being prevented, this new law is a step in the right direction.

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